Hen acting strange!


In the Brooder
Jun 12, 2023
I just left my small flock out for the evening. I come back half an hour later, and I see one of my hens just standing still, didn’t think much of it until I want a closer and realize that she didn’t run away because she usually just runs away from me but I got closer and she just stood there and I look closer and she’s just standing there with her mouth open like she’s thirsty, or some thing, so I give her some water that she does not even acknowledge. Now I’m very scared that she might not be breathing or has something stuck in her throat or some thing just horrible and I’m terrified that next time I go check on her that she won’t be alive. I’ve already lost too many chickens in the past three days and I don’t want to lose any more , any help would be very, very welcome and appreciated.
I'm sorry to hear you're having trouble.

How old is she?
Where are you located in the world?
What is your temperature like?
What do you feed, including treats?
You lost how many chickens in the past 3 days? To what - similar symptoms or?!

Photos of the birds, poop, housing, etc. may be helpful.

If you can get video of her actions, sometimes that can tell a lot as well - upload Video to YouTube and provide a link.

Check her over for injury, lice/mites. Make sure that she can access food/water.

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