Hen acting very strange


In the Brooder
Jul 16, 2022
One of my hens won’t leave the nesting box at all. She is twitchy and her tail feathers are standing on edge. She’s also making strangled clucking noises. There are no eggs in the box with her. I’ve attached a pic. Any ideas? I’m getting concerned. She’s a little over a year old.
Thank you in advance!


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Sounds like she probably going "broody".
You can either stick fertile eggs under her or break her using Broody Jail; dog wire crate, remove the tray and not bedding, I put a piece of welded wire 1x2 at the bottom, add food/water and put her in, wire crate go in the coop and she stays at least 3 days. Release & if she's still broody, stick her back in. I elevate mine a bit so that air circulates around & under her.
You can break the broody phase by sticking her under some cold water for a second once or twice a day. Real quick, don't soak her, a bit on her head and a bit on the body. Should break by the second or third day. This is a folk treatment that's not well known, but works 100%. It might sound a bit cruel, but trust me it is not.
You can break the broody phase by sticking her under some cold water for a second once or twice a day. Real quick, don't soak her, a bit on her head and a bit on the body. Should break by the second or third day. This is a folk treatment that's not well known, but works 100%. It might sound a bit cruel, but trust me it is not.
It works best for me to dunk their lower bodies or run the cold water on their undersides to cool them off. But my Black Australorps are the World Champions of Broody. Nothing but a few days in a wire pen raised off the ground for air circulation will snap them out of their raging hormones. A broody jail should have nothing comfy to nestle down in.

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