Hen Almost Dead -- Froze SAD UPDATE!!


10 Years
Jul 14, 2009
Stark County, NE Ohio
I have a Comet hen, it was very cold last night, 5F, below freezing wind chill. My son had an early morning Dr.s appt., when we got back around 9:30AM I found her on the floor of the coop on her belly wings out, eyes closed and barely breathing. SHe was my roo's favorite, no back feathers, had a saddle on. The others pecked her bloddy and almost all her feathers are gone. I brought her in, warmed her up, she is starting to move more now and even opened an eye for a second. Eyes still closed, refuses to lay down now, but keeps falling. Can she be saved? I have processed chickens before, I have had to do mercy killings before but if I can save her I would like to. If you think I should put her out of her misery, just say it, I will not take offense and need real advice. Her bare skin is bright red, almost bluish purple, her comb is bleeding in pecked spots. Poor thing, it breaks my heart. Any advice would be appreciated. She is almost 2 yrs. and is moving more and more each minute.

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I had a juvenile freeze stiff, but not solid who thawed and was okay- it took 5 hours. I say give her some time in a warmer area, but not much more than room temp. Hope it works out for you.
I don't know if this is the right answer but you said you brought her in and warmed her up. Have you tried giving her some warm water and vitamins. Maybe some special food. I hope she will be ok.
i had a roo in the same condition, i sat him in the empty bathtub with a space heater, gave him water with vitamins in it, or you can use sugar, fed him tuna out of a can and he finally pulled out of it. give her time, i think she will too
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You can treat her wounds with non sting iodine (ask the pharmacist) or betadine, and blu-kote. Blu-kote is an antiseptic, and disguises the wounds so the other chickens won't peck at it. Keep her inside until she's had a chance to get her strength back.
I owuldn't force her down, but I would make it as comfortable for her to be calm as possible. Where is she, I mean, in a box? In a pet carrier? If it were me, and I don't pretend to have all the answers, I'd have her in a pet carrier with bedding on the bottom so if she wanted to stand she'd have traction, and if she wanted to lay she'd have somehting soft to lay on. I'd have her near a heat source, like a portable heater somewhere near the kennel. Then in the food and water dishes I'd have vitamin enriched sugar water and some warm mushy foods. Because of the pecking, I'd plan on keeping her in for awhile.
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I wouldnt force anything down her, she is standing instinctively, I would make sure she is as warm as possible and a nice nest of rags in a box may help. Give her time to rest. She needs rest. Get some of her regular food and water with a little sugar added in a small container to place in front of her. When she is ready she will eat and drink. If you want to tempt her, cook up some moist scrambled eggs, that is loaded with all the nutrients she will need and they tend to love it!

Andy in Fredericksburg

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