Hen and Roo tag team attack other Hen constantly


In the Brooder
Apr 26, 2017
My Brahma was the top of the pecking order and sup until about 3 wks ago she was the boss over our rhode island red and even the rooster s large docile blue cochin. We have a buff orp who is second in line of the order but remains neutral to the fighting that's recently started and won't stop between the brahma and the RIR and BC roo. There was a squawking argument over the next box and the RIR was being denied access to her eggs by the brahma. The roo was defending for the brahma that day but everyday after since the roo and RIR have been very aggressively attacking the brahma. They'll immediately lunge at her and the rooster will mount her while the RIR attacks her at the same time. The brahma is so terrified of the sight of either one of them she runs away immediately now but they will chase her and attack constantly throughout the day everyday. Is this a phase? Will the fiesty duo ever give up attacking the brahma ? Or is this a serious issue? The brahma is so stressed and it's upsetting because they were a pretty good group before although the brahma used to peck at and pick On the RIR for past year but I figured because she was at the bottom.

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