i have heard of people glueing fake fingernails on to the beak (or whats left of it) so that they can peck at things and such. i would really like to see a picture of this - get a photobucket account and upload the pictures you want to post - they should have an image code that you copy and paste into here.
That's fantastic! I love hearing good news. Here's something you could possibly try, and I'm not sure how well it would work or if it would even work at all. I read something about a chicken missing the bottom portion of its beak and they took an acrylic fingernail and glued it on as its bottom beak. Maybe you could try that? I'm sure it would be a lot harder trying to do it for both the top and bottom. Just an idea. I hope she keeps getting stronger everyday. Good luck to you and her both!

Oh that is too funny! As soon as my post went through I saw rosy had just posted the same idea. LOL
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I am happy to hear Sassy is alive and doing well!! My cat is the same way why drink out of a clean water bowl, when I can jump up on the counter and find some dirty water left in a cup in the sink.

Oh, I'm so sorry for your hen. It is good that she has an owner that is so willing to pull out all the stops for her, and it is good that your DH is accepting of it too!

That said, sounds like she sure does have the will to live.

My chickens are the same way with respect to the water. Why drink out of their water dish when they can drink the muddy water, or the rain runoff from the roof? What goes through a chicken's mind, we'll never know!
You were missing the front part of your tag (the " [ " ). Here are your pictures.



She is pretty beat up. I hope she feels better.
I don't know how you did that, but thank you. Thought you might like to see Sassy before and after. She looks a little bit better know than that picture, it was taken a few days ago I think. Everything looks a little bit worse with the purple or blue medicine on her. Hard to tell what you are looking at. She is up and going this morning, had breakfast and is out prowling around in the yard. Thanks again. I will continue to keep you posted.
You're right, it is hard to tell what you're looking at. Her head is pretty much a purple blob, but I know you have to put all that medicine on. I just hope she keeps fighting and that her beak grows back. She is very strong willed. Good luck to you and her.

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