Hen Attacked by What? Now what do I do?


12 Years
Apr 7, 2010
OK everyone, I hope you can help direct me in the right direction. One of my hens was attacked this morning and I do not know what the preditor was but I am leaning toward a bird of prey. The hens have 1 acre that is fenced in and I also have 2 Border Colie dogs that watch over them. This morning one of my BC bolted out the dog door and I really didn't hear a ruckus but the BC came in the house to get my attention so I went outside to find a bunch of feathers. I started looking for the hens and they were all hiding under the propane tank except for Bo-Annie thankfully my BC showed me where she was hiding so I crawled under the porch and carried her out after examining her I found she had a 3 inch gash on her back it is all the way down to the spine. There was very little bleeding and it is a very clean tear, no gapping of the flesh. I cleaned her with betadine and applied neosporine onitment. She is traumatized but she is moving around more now. My question is do you think it would be ok to super glue the tear back together?
I'm not a doctor or a vet but I don't think I'd be using super glue in/on a wound. If it isn't bleeding, leave it alone. Stitches or tape strips are one thing but a wound needs to breath to heal - especially if there is any sort of bad stuff inside which is quite possible with a predator attack. I would worry that the glue might seal it and an abscess could easily result. I had a hen survive a hawk attack last winter. I cleaned the wounds and left them. She is high up in the pecking order (top, in fact) so no one messed with her. One of the wounds took forever to heal but it and all her other holes did eventually heal.
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Sounds like an bird of prey. I would put an bandage around her. She will peck her wound, flies, other chickens might peck, Otherwise
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Steri Strips , I have some and I didn't even think about it. Thank you! I really think it had to be a bird of prey I did not find any puncture wounds on her which I am greatful for because I am thinking less chance of infection.
If you bandage it make sure it is something breathable, like a light gauze, but if the other chickens are picking at her, you should probably separate her until she's healed. I would try a wound powder instead of an ointment, keep the wound dry and open to the air. Flush it once a day and then put the powder on.
Don't close the wound or wrap it tightly, it needs to be able to drain and breathe. Good airflow will help prevent infection/necrosis. A light covering to keep off flies is best.
THIS...keep it open to the air. The bacteria that will infect is is anaerobic, not aerobic so open air is a good thing. Covering it up will promote infection. Definitely separate her though.
Thank you for the advice. I don't think I will put a bandage on her because it really is a clean tear looks just like a razzor was taken to her so I think I will go with the steri strips and I will keep it dry also there is No bleeding and what feathers she does have hid it so I am not sure if the other hens will pick at it or am I just being hopeful? How soon do feathers grow back?
I think your plan is perfect. My girl's feathers didn't grow back until she moulted some months later and they have never returned on the scars - but her scars are covered for the most part now although she has bald spots when the wind blows.
Thank you everyone for all the great advice. I am so thankful that this site is available

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