Hen being attacked by rooster

Thank you for the advise of how to treat her head and comb. I feel so bad for her. Today she is out with the other hens and has stopped bleeding but I am afraid of infection.
A word about ointments. The thing to avoid is any topical medication with a "caine" drug in it, such as benzocaine, cetacaine, etc. They are addded as pain reliever. Actually, the pain reliever they added to Neosporin the last time I read the label would do no harm; it is a different class of drugs. Chickens are extremely sensitive to "caine" drugs and can overdose and die on a very small quantity, is the reason for this.

Other than "caine" drugs, you can use most any antibiotic or antiseptic preparation you have on a chicken.
This is exactly what is happening at our house right now. Our oldest hen is only a few months older than the rest of the hens and rooster. We have had the younger hens and rooster for a few months now, but suddenly, he seems to be attacking the one older one. She has not been laying eggs, and doesn't like to be humped. We love her very much, but the rooster is very good, and is great with the other hens. We have the older hen separated in our porch right now, but are trying to figure out a resolve to the solution.
I "depatched" the young rooster. I had another young rooster and he has turned out to be very gentle with both "his" hens and me. A totally different temperament from the other rooster. I think sometimes hens just get into spats and with time settle down.

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