Hen brooding behavior???


In the Brooder
10 Years
Aug 31, 2009
Jacksonville Fl.
My cochin hen has been stockpiling eggs in my chicken coop for a while and now she has 10 eggs. If she walks up to her box, she will act like she wants nothing to do with them. However, if I show her the eggs or put them near her, she will clutch them under her in a neat group and then just leave them there. Does she want to brood the eggs but wants more eggs? Or is it a cochin's natural instinct to protect the eggs because I know they are very maternal birds. She has never had chicks before and started laying about 2-3 months ago... Will she brood the eggs?
Can't say for sure whether an individual [new] hen will go broody or not. Being a cochin, she probably will. You will know when she is broody because she will make a distinctive clucking sound and flare her wings & feathers out. Her behavior will change significantly -- there will be no question that she is broody.
Every broody I have had (all four of them) has made sounds similar to rapid ticking and actual growling. Very definitely warning sounds.

I have very gentle hens and they've always allowed me to check under them when broody, but they still flared up their feathers, puffing out really huge, and chittered warnings. Some "gonna peck you!" moves, but never really doing so.

Plus, they don't leave the nest except to relieve themselves and get a quick drink and bite to eat ONCE (or twice at most) a day. The poop is amazingly large and very, very smelly.

If it's really warm out, they spent a bit more time off the nest, getting in a quick dust bathe before returning to the nest.
She will sit on her eggs once she is good and ready... Even if you remove all eggs and just leave a plastic one she'll broody out. I guess is their natural cycle and as far as I know there is nothing that you can do to speed her up or avoid her getting broody. Be patient and good luck.

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