Hen Constantly Panting


In the Brooder
7 Years
Mar 4, 2012
Hi, I recentlly noticed that my hen has been non-stop panting!! I only have two chickens (hens) and the other one already started to lay but this one hasn't. She is also smaller than the other chicken... I'm not sure if I'm over-reacting or what, but I really wanted to see what you guys thought. It has been pretty hot but even when it cools down, she still pants. Thanks for reading this and let me know what you think!
She may be getting ready to lay an egg.
I know I would be panting if something that size were coming out of my butt!
Especially if it's her first egg. Alot of my girls pant just before an egg.
Keep an eye on her, and always make sure she has clean water.
Good luck!
I don't know where you live, but it's been pretty hot and humid lately, so she may just be panting because of the heat.
It's much cooler here, but warm for our area along the coast. I share my watermelon with the hens. They love it and peck the rind down to the green. Hydration is probably the best thing that you could do for her. They also love grapes and bananas. Bananas have lots of minerals which probably would help keep the electrolytes balanced. Mine thrive on them.
Hope this helps!
It's much cooler here, but warm for our area along the coast. I share my watermelon with the hens. They love it and peck the rind down to the green. Hydration is probably the best thing that you could do for her. They also love grapes and bananas. Bananas have lots of minerals which probably would help keep the electrolytes balanced. Mine thrive on them.
Hope this helps!

Oh Wow! That's so cool! I am definitely going to try that! And thankfully we finally got some rain here and its cooled down a bit :)
I have 6 Auracanas and one of them has always panted. I have always guessed that some just pant more because she seems healthy. In fact she seems to be the leader of the pack!

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