Hen dead in coop--ideas on cause?

If it is infact a hawk, I would recommend covering the coop and run area (unless it is too big) and or purchase and place around the coop area fake crows and owls from the costume store, for some reason hawks get deterred. Anther option to consider is to stagger the times you have them out as hawks (or whatever it is) will see the daily pattern and will know the birds will be out at the same time tomorrow, by staggering the times/days you let them out this will deter whatever is killing your birds. Hope this helps.
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Thanks, Nasnro. The coop is totally enclosed, top, bottom, and sides--but that doesn't help much when you leave the door open the way I had it.... We don't have a run, just a 8'x10' coop (nest boxes upstairs, "run" on the ground level) and a fenced 1 acre yard. I've heard mixed reviews on the fake owls, etc., but it's probably worth a try. Also, I hadn't thought about staggering the times of day they're out--I can try that.

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