Hen doesn't lay


11 Years
Mar 24, 2009
I have an EE that is not even 3yrs old yet and she stopped laying about 1 mo ago. She stopped for a molt started back in the fall started back after a few months full force and stopped again. She is healthy, active, acts normal in every way everyday but no eggs? I have looked high and low for a hidden nest-nothing.
I have the same thing going on with two of my EEs. Ohio was unseasonably warm in March, and now it's been cold and gloomy. It even snowed a tiny bit yesterday. I'm wondering if the weather is affecting them.

If you can, lock your hens up in their coop and run for about four days. Then you'll know if she's just really got a fantastic hiding place for her eggs.

I did that with mine and then "TA-DA"! I found green eggs in the nesting box again after about two days.
My coop is too small for an all day lockup. They free range during th day in a small area that is fenced in. I have walked the entire area with my hubby(he is the king of egg finding) several times no eggs. I wish I knew what is going on.

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