Hen exhibits symptoms of shock


11 Years
Jun 1, 2013
West Virginia
My 5 year old Buff Orpington, Henrietta, is exhibiting signs of shock with no sign of external injury. I found her sitting in the corner of the paddock last night when I went to put the chickens in for the night. Her comb was pale, she was breathing through her mouth and her feet were cold. She seemed unable to walk although she could stand. Her heartbeat was rapid. Eyes dilated. She seemed stunned. Her poop was runny with white looking mucus and some pellet like solids. I dosed her with nutridrench and put her in a crate with some water in the basement. She drank a little water, but would not eat even mealworms. I had added electrolytes to the water. She has lived through the night. This morning she drank a lot more water but still is not eating. She is standing but not walking around. I called our vet who sees my chickens but she is not coming in today. Previously she has been very active and lively so much so that I remarked on how unusually good she looked. This is very sudden. She does not exhibit symptoms of being egg bound. Her abdomen does not seem squishy, although her crop feels squishy. She does not have a bad odor from her mouth though. Could she have eaten something poisonous? I can find no evidence of that in the paddock. Could she have been stung by a bee? Has anyone had that happen? I am not sure how to further care for her. Is she dying? I would appreciate any advice.
I finally got a vet to look at her, and she felt her breathing was congested. Prescribed Oxytetracycline in her drinking water (5-7 days) and Meloxicam (3 days). I am keeping her in a crate in basement with regular daily visits to the flock so she keeps her place as head of the pecking order. Her comb is red again and she is eating. Crop feels full. I am still concerned because her poop is sometimes bright yellow. I have been feeding her scrambled egg. Could this be why? The vet did not think it was peritonitis. She said if it was early onset, the antibiotic would take care of that. So I am cautiously optimistic. Thanks for replying to me!
I'm glad you were able to see the vet. Did she perform a fecal float to check for worms?
Bright yellow poop can be from a number of things, so I would speak with her about that.

Hopefully the medications will help her fight any infection and get her back on track.
Yes, I took a photo of it this morning and sent it, but it’s Memorial Day weekend so don’t know if she will respond. If I can I will post photo here. I stopped feeding her scrambled eggs to see if it quits. Her poop has formed up pretty good, and she is eating and acting normal. She won’t drink her water with the antibiotic in it tho. Any suggestions on that?


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That's sometimes the problems with water soluble antibiotics, the chicken seems to know it's in the water. I wonder if it's bitter...you could try adding some honey to the water to see if that makes it more palatable. Otherwise you may need to syringe the medicated water into her several times a day, here's how: https://www.backyardchickens.com/ar...er-construction-check-back-for-updates.73335/
If not of that works, then hopefully the vet can give you something different, maybe in tablet form?

The poop is concerning, to me. Does she still lay eggs? The yellow could be a symptom of infection or internal laying/reproductive disorder (EYP, cancer, tumors, etc.)
Update on Henrietta: her comb is nice and red, activity normal. Poop still has the Yellow urates but they are creamy Yellow rather than bright. She is on day 5 of Oxytetracycline. I took your advice and added honey to the water. I still don’t think she was drinking it so I have been mixing about three tablespoons of it with her laying mash, which she gobbles up. I have been doing this three times a Day for the past three days. I also sent this information to the vet. I had a fecal test done a couple of weeks ago. No worms. My best guess is an infection. What do you think? Is the lightening of the urates a good sign?
Update on Henrietta: her comb is nice and red, activity normal. Poop still has the Yellow urates but they are creamy Yellow rather than bright. She is on day 5 of Oxytetracycline. I took your advice and added honey to the water. I still don’t think she was drinking it so I have been mixing about three tablespoons of it with her laying mash, which she gobbles up. I have been doing this three times a Day for the past three days. I also sent this information to the vet. I had a fecal test done a couple of weeks ago. No worms. My best guess is an infection. What do you think? Is the lightening of the urates a good sign?
I'm glad that she is active and acting normal.
Mixing the medicated water in her food is a good idea, especially if didn't seem to be drinking it. I would go the full 7 days with the antibiotics.

It could be a good sign that the yellow is lightening up. It could be from infection or reproductive problems. Hopefully the vet will respond to your email soon with her thoughts.

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