Hen gasping for air

Makin Groceries

In the Brooder
Oct 9, 2022
My hen had been kissing feathers for a while on her back mostly. I thought it could be molt however it never progressed into kissing more feathers. I’ve never witnessed any of the chickens picking on her. They are free ranged with electric netting and moved every 1-2 days. I noticed her hanging out by herself today and realized she is having problems breathing. No discharge from eyes or nose and apart from the missing feathers I see no other symptoms. Need help.. I have given her drops of GSE so far. Her head is still erect and she’s responding to things but struggling to breath.
Sorry, a little more info. The above should read missing feathers. No other chickens seems to be affected. She’s a barred rock about 1 year old. And below is a picture of her back missing feathers. This might not be related to present illness. But thought if she was in molt it could have lowered her resistance to catch something . She is inside now. This would be the first of any of this flock to go through molt.

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