Hen Growling (under unusual circumstances?)


Apr 13, 2020
Knoxville, MD
I've been meaning to ask about this since last year.

I've had broody and mother hens before who would growl at certain times so I recognize the sound. But I also consider this totally normal for them during these times. But then something happened that surprised me.

I have a hen, Kotàra, who is very attached to me. I was either her best friend, her property, or a dominant that she was kissing up to, maybe all 3.

When I would sit with the youngsters, she would usually stand next to me. A fence would be between us. This was still the get-used-to each other phase.

I hatched these 4 youngsters and to them I was akin to being their mother so their was a lot of interaction. I could tell it was upsetting Kotàra but she would get used to it, or so I thought.

Once she was watching our interactions together when I suddenly heard a growl next to me. I was surprised because I knew she wasn't broody and obviously not a mother.

I figured I'd look here and on the internet about chicken growls. All I could find is what I had already known, brooding and mothering.

 Someone must have had something similar to this.

BTW, they were introduced, physically, in late September of last year and Kotàra still seems to hate them. At times she will seek them out and attack or chases them. Yesterday one of had just jumped off me and Kotàra immediately grabbed her by the neck. She screamed and after a couple of seconds got away from Kotàra.

The youngsters never look really injured so I know it's nothing I should interfere with. But I'm the one who created the Kotàra monster by babying her too much.
Chickens will make the growling noise whenever there's something amiss. New chicks can be seen as intruders and it sounds like your hen is treating them as such.

Make sure the chicks can get away from her. Some hens will kill chicks that aren't their own, so it's always best to take integration slow.

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