Hen has been sleeping all day


In the Brooder
Nov 3, 2015
Hello lovely people.
I have what I believe to be an ISA brown hen who has been sleeping all day. I go out frequently to hang out with the ladies and I didn't see her out or eating much at all today. She did have some water when I shewed her out once but that's all I saw. She spent most of the day standing upright on a roost sleeping and now that the rest of the girls are taking a break in the coop and having a group nap she is in the nesting box. Yesterday she was running around so so happy because I took her from a man who was way overcrowded. My place is like heaven for her. She was even singing what I thought was the egg song, but I got no egg. The other girl I picked up with her is super happy and loving life and appears to be very healthy. Not sure if this is something that chickens do on occasion as I'm brand new at this so hoping to get some reassurance or advice.
Thanks everyone!
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I might add that it rained all last night and has been raining on and off all day long. Three of the chickens have been out all day rain or shine and the rest have come out when it's been nice but the one has just slept all day and not come out at all.... not even for mid day treats.
i would suggest maybe isolating her and giving her electrolytes / vitamin supplements in her drinking water. Im not sure what may be wrong with her, but the vitamins etc will help boost her immune system and may help to perk her up.

Good luck

Thank CTKen. I'll try that. She is drinking water but won't eat.... I think she layed an egg. No one else has sat in the nesting box as far as I know. But she's still not eating
I shewed her out one more time, tried to give her her own fermented food, then tried dry food. She drank a lot of water and when she saw I wasn't going to let her back in the coop she just stood there and closed her eyes....
Just in case anyone reads this and wants to know, I found out what was wrong with her. She has sour crop. I've brought her inside and given her a dropper full of red wine. My husband is bringing me plain yoghurt and ACV. Hopefully she will recover in a day or two.
Just in case anyone reads this and wants to know, I found out what was wrong with her. She has sour crop. I've brought her inside and given her a dropper full of red wine. My husband is bringing me plain yoghurt and ACV. Hopefully she will recover in a day or two.

I hope she will recover. keep us posted and tell us about treatment.

btw, cinnamon is anti fungal.
Lady Gaga passed away this morning.... I only had her for a couple of days but it is still very sad for me. I hope she didn't suffer. She seemed content in the nice warm house before we went to bed and I found her sleeping this morning. She must have had this before I got her. I didn't know to check a chicken's crop.

The man I bought from won't refund me but says he will give me another chicken.... *sigh*. I guess I'll have to do some research on how to check for health issues in birds and quarantine it before bringing it into the flock. The other bird he gave me is doing magnificently and she is by far the most clever bird I have and quickly becoming a favorite. I'll need to keep my eye on her.

Thank you for your suggestions.

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