Hen Hatched Chicks, What’s Next?


May 18, 2018
:DFirst of all I want to say that I’m SO PROUD of my hen, Little Yellow, for hatching these chicks. I check on her every night to see how she is doing and saw no chicks, this morning however there was chicks!!! :jumpy
What should I do next? She hasn’t gotten out of her nest which is above the ground outside under the coop. ( we had to add additional nesting boxes outside because they kept making nest there) We have a roo, 28 other hens,cats and quite a few stray cats that come around and some dogs. Should I put her in another pen by the chicken coop? Is there anything I should do?
I keep them with the flock. There is no reason to separate. I'd want them in the coop for protection and the mother will teach them quickly how to navigate a ramp. Few nights of putting them in by hand opposed to few weeks for chicks without mother. That said, she'll do all the raising and integrating into flock. It's the best part of using a brooding hen. Lfe is easy.
Congratulations!! One of my girls hatched eggs about a month ago. I was so proud and excited when I finally saw the first chick. Their mama has raised them completely. We did decide to give her and the chicks their own area we shut off from the rest of the flock but she has done the rest. She has taught them to navigate the ramp and now they are even flying up on the roost with her.
I think I’ll give them their own area next to the coop but I’ll keep them together. When they get fully feathered I’ll let them out with their mama and the cats shouldn’t eat them.
I keep them with the flock. There is no reason to separate. I'd want them in the coop for protection and the mother will teach them quickly how to navigate a ramp. Few nights of putting them in by hand opposed to few weeks for chicks without mother. That said, she'll do all the raising and integrating into flock. It's the best part of using a brooding hen. Lfe is easy.
I agree with Egghead.
I prefer to leave mine with the flock for a few reasons. Over the years, I have learned that the earlier you integrate Mom and babies, the more protective she is, and often the rooster will also protect them.

By leaving them with the flock, if something happens to mama, babies are already an accepted part of the flock.

There is also the protection of being in the flock.
I usually only add chicks officially by the time their a month old.Thry can mingle with the adults either brought a cage or when I’m outside and their free ranging supervised,But I will not keep three day old chicks with adults,although most of my hens do not care,it’s stull risky.

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