Hen Hatching


7 Years
Jul 12, 2012
I plan on letting my hens hatch their own eggs.... But hens set on many eggs at a time, if most hens lay one to two eggs a day, then won't they hatch at different times?
The countdown starts when she is finished laying her clutch and starts to set on the eggs. Mother nature is amazing!

Growth/development doesn't start for a full 24 hours AFTER then hen has been sitting on the eggs.

I usually collect all eggs and keep them in a cool location until the hen is ready to sit.
2 things
They don't start to develop until the hen goes broody, meaning she stays on the nest. The egg has to be at 100 and stay there. They lay until they believe they have enough for a brood and stay on the nest for the duration (except for a daily sojourn).

You can't make a hen go broody, it's just something that happens. More often with some breeds than with others.

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