Hen ill after deworming with valbazen - Update: she died, did necropsy


Eggstactic for Pretty Eggs
15 Years
Dec 8, 2008
Glendale, AZ
The background:

For the last year and a half, I've been deworming my chickens with wazine and safeguard paste (fenbendazole). I dewormed them about 2-3 months ago with Safeguard, but then a few weeks ago, after feeding the flock pumpkin seeds, I found a poop with signs of a tapeworm (tiny little white rice-like things in it). On top of that, some of the chickens were thin.

After reading BYC de-worming posts, I discovered Valbazen was the treatment to use for killing tapeworms and dewormed the flock yesterday. After re-reading the BYC posts, it looks like I may have given them a bigger dose than recommended. I gave the standard size chickens 1 cc/ml and the bantams 1/2 cc/ml.

I have checked several poops today and most were clean, but I did find 1 poop with 2 dead roundworms in it (about 1.5" long). 20 out of my 21 chickens look good today and are acting normally, but 1 of my hens is acting poorly and since she was fine yesterday, I'm wondering if she is suffering ill effects from the dewormer.

The problem:

The sick hen is a 2 yr. old Barred Rock. She was totally fine yesterday and I remember her being quite eager to try and steal bread from the other hens yesterday (she wasn't successful).

Today, she is acting lethargic and not eating much. When I let the flock out to free-range today, she went off by herself and after drinking out of the dogs' water dish (a daily habit), she stood with her eyes closed and never joined the rest of the flock. An hour later, when I carried her out to the yard, she did eat some dirt and peck at the grass a tiny bit. At dusk, she was able to fly up to her roost to sleep, but I brought her inside to spend the night. Her crop is not full and a bit soft. Twice, I have seen her poop out a tiny bit of white liquid - no real poop in her cage yet and she's been inside for a few hours.

I gave her a few droppers full of yogurt with some vitamin B supplement. She currently has access to her feed, grit, and water with apple cider vinegar in it and she will be kept inside tonight, so that she doesn't have to use her energy to keep warm. Tomorrow, I will give her some more yogurt and offer her some scrambled eggs, but she probably won't eat till morning (she's sleeping now).

1. I've read that when deworming for the first time, to use wazine first so that the expulsion of too many worms does not harm the chicken. This was not the first time she was dewormed - in fact, she had just been dewormed 2-3 months ago. Could she have impacted intestines because the valbazen is flushing too many worms out of her system? If so, what can I do for her?

2. Could she be having trouble because I gave her too high of a dose of the dewormer? All 20 pullets/hens of the rest of the flock are fine and the other 15 standards all received the same dose as she did (1 cc/ml).

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The valbazen I used was a liquid and I gave each chicken an individual dose - into each beak. I tried putting it on bread, but it turned out to be easier to give it to them straight. Trying to ensure each chicken eat the entire piece of bread without sharing didn't work so well. I'd separate the hen, but then some were too nervous to eat when separated from the others.
Valbazen is an oral medication... 1/2 cc/ml per standard chicken... given in the mouth, down the throat one bird at a time. (avoiding the windpipe / avoid the airway that is right behind the tongue... administer all meds, water, yogurt, etc... back and to the side... avoiding the windpipe)
Also, it's 1/4 cc/ml per bantam or small chicken.
I guess it could be given on bread... but, from my chickens reaction -- it must taste really bad as they would not eat bread with it on it at all.

My chickens sometimes act a bit off after getting a dose... (the next day) some more than others... if she didn't get more than 1/2 cc/ml or even if she did get "a little" more than that, she should be o.k. The guy at the feed store told me he gave his rooster 1 cc/ml... but that is a high dose and only for larger birds, IMO.

You can give the entire flock some Buttermilk mixed with their feed a few days after dosing with Valbazen. Or now, if you are concerned. (It's a good probiotic, like Yogurt, but better)

Valbazen is one of the few SAFE wormers to use first time and alone... you do not need to use Wazine first -- Valbazen works gradually over three days... not "boom-bang" as some do.

Search here, on BYC "worming with Valbazen"..... look for more recent years posts by dawg53... best info. on worming from him.
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P.S.: It sounds like you are doing a great job... doing everything you should and everything possible for any chicken that is not feeling great. Good job!

I know it will be a bit scary... but, you need to redose all the chickens in ten days from the day you dosed them the first time. Repeat at ten days. Also withholding eggs for the duration, until the 15th day after the second dose. Unless they have tapeworms, and then it will take more than two doses to treat tapeworms.

Use the Search here -- trust dawg53 info.

Good luck.
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Oops.. I notice you mention tapeworms... ugh.. I have dosed with Valbazen four times, and still see tapeworm segments... it has been ten days tomorrow and I will dose with Zimectrin Gold horse paste tomorrow... on bread (or a salad shrimp.. mine like shrimp)... since it's a paste. Green pea size for standards, and BB size for bantams or small chickens... I have to be much more careful not to give too much of the Zimectrin Gold... and, same withholding of eggs.

Only Valbazen and Zimectrin Gold treat tapeworms..

Sorry I missed that...

Good luck.
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Chicken_Pauper is correct. Valbazen is a safe wormer, it slowly kills worms over several days. No need to worry about toxic dead worm overload. Since you gave all your birds the same dosage, 1cc, overdosing is not the problem. There's something else going on with your BR. Is it possible that when you dosed her, that the liquid went down the wrong way? That could possibly be the problem.
Yikes! I had planned to dose them again in 10 days, but did not expect to have to repeat after that (at least, not until next time I deworm them). I do believe they have tapeworms - I only saw signs in 1 poop, but if 1 chicken has them, I'm sure others do too. How many doses does it take to get rid of tapeworms?

I hope she is just a bit off - and will be better tomorrow. Thanks for the tips.
She was fine after I dosed her. She actually ate hers on a slice of bread. The 2 BPR are less timid and more greedy than some of the others and she and the other BPR were the first two that I dewormed. After they received their dose, those 2 kept hanging around trying to steal more bread through the bars (I would lock the chicken that was getting dewormer on bread into a dog pen by itself till it finished the bread, but some of the chickens wouldn't eat it or wouldn't eat more than 1 bite, so I gave up on that method).
Ive used Valbazen for years, never known of a reaction in chickens ..Though San Diego Zoo is finding Valbazen and fenbendazole toxic to pigeons and doves

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