Hen in box


May 27, 2016
South Phoenix
So I have a hem that keeps sleeping in the egg box ? I have removed her 2x already and put her with the rest of the hens at night but she will not stay ? She interacts dime with the other hens during the day . Is this normal?
Creatures of habit. It happens from time to time. As long as she isn't staying in the nest all day too, she's not broody.

Make something to block entrance to the nest. Put it in place late afternoon before dusk. Change the habit.
Greetings from Kansas and
! Pleased you joined us! I agree with ChickenCanoe - as chickens get into a habit of doing things, if you block off the nest boxes, thus forcing her to roost with the others, it will likely become habit as well. Best of luck to you and thanks for joining BYC!
You can also move her to the roost in the dead of night. She won't get off of it in the darkness and she'll wake up there in the AM. I think this helps for broodies too.

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