Hen is losing lots of feathers, could frost bite cause this?


Jan 5, 2023
I have a hen who is losing a lot of feathers and now has bald patches on her neck, wings, and entire belly/vet area, as well as no tail feathers. Our rooster was pretty rough on our hens for a while leaving them all looking very patchy, but we removed him for a couple months and all the hens' feathers grew back almost entirely. We put him back in with the hens several weeks ago and he hasn't seemed to be rough with them at all, the hens continued to grow their feathers back. About a week ago we had some cold weather and most of our chickens, this hen included, got a little bit of frost bite on their combs. The rest of the hens are fine now feather wise, and this particular hen did not look nearly this bad just a couple days ago. Does anyone know if either frost bite or possibly the rooster could cause this feather loss?

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