Hen is panting, but it's not hot.


Jul 10, 2015
Hey guys, one of my hens is panting. They were free ranging yesterday and today. I noticed yesterday she wasn't really hanging out with the others, and tonight I went to put her back in the coop and although usually really tough to catch, I was able to just approach and pick her up. That's when I noticed she seems sick and is panting. I have quarantined her but can't find anything on the forums about panting that is unrelated to heat. It's definitely not a heat problem. Any thoughts?

Unsure if I've made a bad move by putting medicated chick starter with her now in quarantine. She is about a year old.

Thanks everyone.
The hen just died suddenly a few minutes ago. The temperature has been between 25-30 celcius, and has been consistent. There hasnt been a recent change in temp here. The flock has lots of access to water and shade too. Everyone else seems healthy at this point.

No idea what killed her. I felt around afterwards to see if there might be a stuck egg but cant feel anything.

Thanks for the response to my question. :)
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HeritageGoose13, I am sorry but I have to disagree with you. In all honesty, I don't think 30°c is that hot, especially if the bird had access to shade and plenty of water. I live in south west France, and it has been over 30°c here every day for the past three weeks. My flock of 15 chicks and hens are certainly warm, and spend most of the day in the shade under the terrace, but they aren't showing any signs of heat exhaustion, and I certainly haven't lost any.

I think that bpilgrim's bird must have had some other disease or problem, but I agree that it isn't necessarily heat related.
If the hens are adapted to that kind of heat and you have a breed that can tolerate it, okay. But in many areas that temperature is very high compared to the rest of the year, and people and animals do regularly suffer heat stroke.
Thanks For the responses. I wouldnt rule out overheating, but still think its unlikely. The chicken was fine in the same weather last year. The rest of the flock isnt showing any signs of heat stress. We are on the west coast too so with the heat always comes a cool breeze. It does seem that she just got something that killed her. I will be sure to keep an eye on everyone. Thanks so much for the responses guys. :)

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I have a similar problem. My adult Japanese Bantam hen is panting. I have her in the laundry room which is 75 degrees. She also has diarrhea. I took a different hen to vet 2 days ago. That hen is now on Baytril for congestion plus she had worms so I started all chickens on fenbenzadole yesterday. My chicken vets are out of town. What do I do?
@City Chicken Lady any updates on your panting hen?

We had a Sussex last year who was panting a lot. We took her to the vet for X-rays. She had an enlarged heart due to congenital heart failure. Could have been genetic or caused by disease, such as Marek's. We had a Sapphire Gem Rock officially diagnosed with Marek's about 3 months ago. She had swollen organs and lesions on the heart. No panting though. Recently, another hen (PBR) has been panting a lot, for last few months maybe, even at night at 20C with plenty of ventilation. In the last few weeks, she has been lying down in mornings more than usual in he middle of the run, not a great sign. Don't think there's much that can be done other than give them lots shade, cold water, love and grapes.

Of course, heat is a different issue altogether. We live in Texas, so 30C is a nice day provided they have shade, which they do. They love it when we mist shady areas with the hose.

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