Hen laying on her side and flailing around

davony's chicks

10 Years
May 30, 2009
One of my mottled cochin hens (age unknown) was laying on her side. I opened the hutch type coop and she was flailing around trying to manuver around. I picked her up and she did not have any injuries on her. She has not shown any signs of sickness and appears fine except for semi laying on her right side. She can't stand up. I picked her up felt her body and she feels full. I put her down in the grass and she immediately started eating and trying to move to another area. She ate grass and bugs and appears to be strong.
She lives with one other hen and a rooster in a hutch type coop on the ground with run.
I found one other post on here that was older and never any updates.
Please help
I had a hen that actually did that, it was from head trauma. She feel off the roost and smacked her head on the ground. I isolated her for a few days and gave her some vitamin water. Maybe that's what happened to yours.
She either hit her head or has a vitamin deficiency. At least in my experience, that is the only reason for such behavior.
I'm hoping this is not it, but one of the first symptoms my hen that had Marek's disease was, was losing her balance. She was still very much alert and wanted to eat and all that. Was your hen vaccinated for Marek's? I'm not saying this is what it is, just saying the symptoms sound familiar. However, those symptoms could also be other things, like the other posters have said. I hope she gets better.
Thank you for all of your posts.

I dont know if she was or not, I bought her and the other two early this spring at a sale.

I hope she just hit her head as aweful as that sounds but at least there would be some hope for her. She is such a sweet sweet girl.

There is nothing new to report, she is still about the same.
I will update later.

Thank you all

I am happy to announce that she is doing much better. She is up walking around with a slight stagger. It reminds of when someone has had a mild stroke.
She must have bumped her head. I did buy a vitamin supplement and electrolyte replacer to add to her water so hopefully this little bump on her head or whatever continues to get better.

Thank you all for your help!
Ok, Here we go again!!

I went out yesterday and the same hen was once again laying on her side and flailing around to manuver around the coop! I picked her up and examined her but didn't see anything besides a few blood drops on her feathers around at her feet. This looks like she might have scraped it or caught it on something trying to manuver around.

I gave her some sugar water with electrolyte replacer.

She was fine this morning walking around just fine but this afternoon she is laying on her side again.

She is eating fine and the rooster is very protective of her. Good boy!

This is driving me INSANE!!!

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