Hen laying on side/back, acting injured


In the Brooder
Jul 10, 2015
One of my 5-month old Americana hens has been acting strange. She is free-range and for almost two weeks I would find her laying on her side and would have to pick her up to get her going, then I found her on her back for several days in a row, thought for sure she was a goner but now she seems ok. I was thinking perhaps she had a head injury from one of our Llamas or goats but now another hen has started acting the same way. Just like the first one, when I pick her up, one side seems paralyzed for a minute until she gets going, then she seems fine and eats and drinks. Any thoughts?

I wanted to add, I brought these two hens home 3 months ago when they were 8 weeks old and my other3 hens (Buff Orpingtons) have never accepted them, they pick on them even though they all free rage.
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This is her dropping, pretty small compared to normal
I just went out and found her on her back, it's almost dusk, her feet were very cold. After I picked her up and put her back on her feet, she wabbled a bit then walked away and went to feed.
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probobly worn out but the only thing that i would think would do that is it might be sick so seperate it from the others and have bloodwork done and do the same to the other one that is doing it to

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