hen laying yolk/white/shell separately


7 Years
Jul 29, 2015
Whitchurch on Thames UK

yesterday hen had watery poop with few bits in it. She was quiet and tucked up outside so brought her in.Feathers round rump bit sticky so rinsed them off. She then perched in bathroom for a couple of hours. I felt round her vent and abdomen having looked up for some ideas online but it all felt normal.then half an hour later she passed the egg in separate bits but with small amount yolk in the soft shell. The main yolk was intact. She then perked up but only interested in drinking - did not want any food and did not eat anything when I gave the others their teatime mash. Today she seems happy free ranging and ate some breakfast mash. Last week also she passed a soft shell but no yolk or white. There is often what looks like eggwhite under her roost. Only other thing is that yesterday my naughty young cat chased them in garden a couple of times. Any ideas why she is not laying a proper egg? Is it stress from cat, her age - 18 months. She has been wormed and has no lice/mites. She has dry layers pellets all day and pellet mash am and pm and free ranges all day in large wooded garden.
At 18 months she may be getting ready to molt, you can get funky eggs from hens going into and coming out of a molt.
I assume she's laid good eggs prior to these episodes?
hi Aart...she is a rescue hen from a free range farm so not sure if she has been a good layer up to now. She moulted a bit a few weeks ago and is getting some new feathers now, but not a dramatic moult like one of the others who is nearly bare. I have 5 hens who are all the same so it is difficult to tell which hen has laid which egg but I try to keep an eye on them in the morning and check the nest as soon as one hops out. One hen lays speckled eggs so that's easy, another large eggs. I usually get 4 eggs per day. Also I have wormed them with horse wormer for tape worms so maybe that has upset her. I guess the main thing is she seems well now - I did think it was peritonitis and maybe she needs anti biotics but I assume she would be more unwell.Thanks for your help.

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