Hen limping, no sign of trauma to the leg anywhere


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jan 31, 2012
One of my barred rock hens is limping, I left them in their caged in area yesterday and today bc I had to do an overnight stay in the hospital to monitor my baby's funny heart beat... Anyways I noticed it today when i got home and let them out, so i caught her and there are no thorns in her feet, no scratches or trauma that I can find of any sort all the way up her leg and into the feathers. Could she maybe have just strained it trying to get out or something? They hate not being able to free range.

(Also while i was checking her over i noticed she had a large amount of poo on her butt feathers, should i trim them like a baby chick?)

Now, some of my silkies I thought were getting scaly leg mites so I've been treating everyone for about a week now, I honestly have no idea what healthy chicken legs look like (google it and you'll find all kinds of recipes but no live chicken leg close-ups!) but if she has the mites then some of her scales right where her toes separate out from the foot are barely, barely, barely lifted from the leg and I just can't tell if legs just look that way or if she has the mites... I read the mites can cause leg problems but surely she can't have them bad enough to cause problems yet, if I can't even tell if her scales are lifted or normal, right?
Oh she is fine I went in for a regular appointment and her heart rate made her look stressed so we monitored her for 24 hours in the hospital and she's fine. Thanks for your concern though!

Anyways my hen is not limping this morning, she must have just strained it yesterday trying to get out! But here are some pics of her possible scaly leg from this morning (sorry the camera is everywhere it' hard to do with only on hand and one squirmy chicken!)




So, is this scaly leg or a normal/healthy chicken leg? I'm treating them all anyways with dust in the coop and oil soak every few days, so if it is she's already in treatment, just curious if it's normal or not!
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Yeah I've seen those really gross pictures, trying to prevent it before it gets to that level! It looks so nasty! Two of my silkie's legs look that way, but you can't tell unless their leg feathers are wet and sticking together, but that's why I'm treating everyone, so I don't have to see it everywhere!

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