Hen Losing Feathers For a Few Months Now


Mar 4, 2020
Hi, so I’ve noticed my buff Orpington has been having some feather loss. Thought she was molting for awhile. Then I realized it had been too long and checked her out. Thought it was mites. So we scooped the coop, cleaned every inch and pressure washed the inside and put all fresh hay in nest boxes, dusted her with DE and put it all over the ground and in nesting boxes. I sprayed the entire inside with vinegar as well. Don’t know if those things help. Anyways, it’s been a couple months since then and no better, she’s actually getting som scabbing it seems. I haven’t actually seen any sort of bugs! What could this be? It’s not picking, they have plenty of room and free range every day. And this began happening when it was colder and they weren’t mating much, if any at all so I don’t believe that’s it. It seems to be spreading to another hen now.


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You have a rooster? That does look like rooster damage. Check spurs and nails and trim them if necessary to help prevent cuts and wounds from mounting. Some birds are more submissive naturally and will get more attention than others and will show more damage. The feathers may not grow back until her next molt, which may not be until late summer or fall if you are in the US. You can use a hen saddle/apron to help protect the backs of those that need it. You can buy them, or you can make your own if you sew at all (they don't have to be beautiful, just functional). Here is a link to where you can buy them, and another with a free pattern:
http://www.hensaver.com/https://www.backyardchickens.com/threads/free-chicken-apron-saddle-pattern.424354/#post-5201261For future reference, DE will not take care of a mite/lice infestation, you will need to use something with permethrin in it, or the more expensive Elector PSP. This link has lots of pictures to help you with ID of any external parasite, what and how to look for it, and treatment suggestions:

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