Hen Making Gurgling Noises, Lethargic and has Diarrhea?


8 Years
Jun 9, 2011
Alberta, Canada
Not sure what is up with my hen :/ I let my chickens out to free range this morning and I saw her jump out of a nesting box after everyone was gone and walk outside. When I came back after putting the chicks in their outdoor run, I noticed her laying down and making gurgling noises. When I picked her up, I noticed yellow-green diarrhea dried onto her feathers. She then started choking and coughing up foam, so I quickly made her drink water then ran into the house to get some help. When I came back, she was no longer choking but was still making gurgling noises.

I separated her from the rest of the flock in a little enclosure. The gurgling has stopped and has only happened when I rub her crop (I thought it might be sour crop at first but there is no smell?). Her crop feels full and somewhat mushy but I haven't seen her eat all day (Though I think she did drink). She is breathing harder than usual and sometimes makes clicking noises when breathing.

I'm really hoping it's not something contagious :/ we bought 2 pullets a month ago from a poultry sale and one got very weak and had diarrhea and died approx. 3 weeks ago. Last week, we lost a hen for unknown reasons (found her dead in the coop and didn't inspect the carcass), and that hen was my sick hens buddy. I also thought I heard one of my other chickens cough today.

This is my dad's favorite hen so I'm hoping there is something I can do for her. If you know what it is please let me know!
I’m not really well versed in chicken illness, so hopefully someone more experienced will chime in.

If it were me, I would give her water with vitamins, electrolytes, and probiotics. If you can get her to drink that, it might buy you some time.

Sour crop sounds like a possibility. You said they free range. Are they given plenty of grit? They need that when they free range.

I’d also mix food grade Diatomaceous earth in her food to rule out internal parasites and worms. (Not sure if it will get rid of an infestation, but it won’t hurt either way). Garlic in the food or water is a good natural antibiotic as well. Again, might not help treat, but will be a good preventative for the others and won’t do harm to this one.

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