Hen Making Strange Noises

If she is not in any distress, and is eating and drinking, just watch her. Look for any nasal drainage (dirt or feed may stick to it,) bubbles in an eye, sneezing or a swollen eyelid. Those are outward signs of a respiratory disease. Most of the time the stridorous noise will go away on it’s own. To check inside the throat, get someone to help you, press on the sides of the beak, open, and look inside with a flashlight.
Alright- thank you so much for the reply. I'll ask my sister to help me look at her throat. :)
Before I go I have another question, we have her isolated in a separate pen that shares a side with the principle pen where the other three chickens are in. Is that alright or should I separate her further? I have a dog kennel that is about waist height and about three hens wide to keep her in if more separation for keeping an eye on her is nessessary. I just didn't put her in it at the time because it's much smaller than the place that Daisy's in now.
I would not keep her separated. In this video and in many others I have seen, the chicken is having stridor, and this one and most do get better within a couple of hours:

I'm conserned because it's been two-three days since I first noticed this and you all mention this resolving itself in a few hours. does stridor take sometimes a few days to clear? (wow though this silkie sounds exactly like my Daisy does right now woah--)
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I * tried* looking down her throat yesterday (very hard when the head/neck area is L shaped to look too far down) and it didn't appear inflamed or anything like that. Regular yogurt pink. I'll be honest I don't look down our chickens throats much if this isn't actually the first time I did, but I know what inflamation looks like and that wasn't it.
How is the chicken acting? If she is eating, drinking, and active, I would just watch her.
Other than the noise, she's doing great really. Eating fine, drinking, running around (and away from her hubby sometimes). Last time she laid was a day or so ago. I may be imagining it but the noise * might* have lessened just a bit today. Again could just be me.
Hi all!
I was excited yesterday and wanted to post about how in the afternoon Daisy Duchess wasn't wheezing... but today it came back up again so maybe I would have spoken too soon. She sneezed a bit this morning but I want to be sure that it isn't because she was eating at the time that my chickens do at times if they get some food dust in the airway.
I just hope this isn't an infection.. but, as the last few days, she's eating, running round because god knows I have a hard time catching the little handbag, and drinking. Also comb is a bright red and taller than ever.

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