Hen missing feathers on her lower back...NOT a rooster!

This is quite the mystery. Have you checked to see that her oil gland isn't inflamed or infected somehow? It's located in that area, and if it was irritated, I could see her constantly plucking and bothering the area.

The only other idea that I have is to put pinless peepers on the whole flock. That way you know for sure they arn't plucking her, and that SHE isn't plucking herself. Plus they look hysterical.
Wow...same problem here!
I have several hens with feathers just above their tails that look like they're "thinning". They also have a small spot on the top of their right wing that has some broken feathers and a little exposed skin. I have one poor girl that has a totally bare back (from my old rooster whose been gone about 3 weeks now) But, there's also quite a few hens with no missing feathers or bald spots...what gives with this?? I just cleaned my entire coop because I think they had roost mites, (heard foot stomping at night) and they were all dusted, sprayed with poultry protector and DE was sprinkled around the coop. I have seen some hens bossing/bullying, but it never seems like anything that would result in all the broken feathers. I sprayed everyone with any exposed skin with blue kote, (it is messy, purple fingers to prove it) but nobody seems to be growing any feathers back. These hens all just turned 1 year old 3/28 so I don't think its molting related....? Hope this gets solved!
Give access to ashes from wood rather their signs of mites or not, I saw same thing happening with my hens and after giveing them ashes they began to get better in just a few days.
Thanks for the ideas everyone. I will try them one by one. I'll let you know if one of the ideas work. Wish me and the girls luck.
My girls are loosing feathers also and I personally think it is weather related??? I do have Roosters but the problem didn't start til it got warm??? they don't have mites or lice I did check for that, Just looks like there going through a little "Mini Moult" if thats possible??
This is Big Sister wearing her saddle (apron) from Louise's Country Closet. Word of caution: stick with neutral colors as bright/contracting colors may attract unwanted attention from other flock members.

Some chickens may freak out at first, but if given time, they will adjust. Watch closely, though, and make sure the hen does not hurt herself. Big Sister took the apron in stride. As you can tell by her demeanor, she thinks she's special being allowed to wear clothes.
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Big Sister looks so pretty! I had several in the green camo aprons, they looked like a little platoon of hens.
My one girl is still wearing hers, (lowest of the pecking order) she seems to feel more secure in it.

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