Hen open mouth breathing


Apr 3, 2023

So my older hen I've noticed she's been laying down a lot more away from the group on some occasions but often also lays down with them so I know she isn't an outcast at all.

I noticed just today as I went to go fill up all their waters that's she's opening her beak to like take in breath

She isn't injured I don't see any swelling. Her eyes are clear and it's pretty chilly right now.

Now she is pretty big compared for my other hens. But not so big she would have difficulty breathing.

Again it's like 50 right now. It's cloudy and she's doing this open mouth breathing. I touched her wattle and her comb and only her comb is a little warm but not hot hot.

She also hasn't laid a single egg in like three weeks now.

Should I be concerned ? I mean I haven't been because she's eating, drinking and pooping normally.

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