Hen :) or Roo :0 - What is my NewHampshire Red?


In the Brooder
12 Years
Jun 13, 2007
Bakersfield, CA
Here are pictures of my backyard girls. I am afraid my New Hampshire Red is a Roo! They are all 6 to 7 weeks old, all three are about the same size.
New Hampshire Red (Hortence)Roo?????, Barred Rock (Junebug) Hen???, Ameraucana (Gertie) Hen???




I'm new to chicken keeping and I know I can't have a rooster in my area. Any ideas on what to do if he/she is a rooster? Should I take him back to the feed store? Any help would be great because he/she is a really good little chick

I have a little guy that looks just like him and he is definitely all rooster. (in fact him and his two little barred rock buddies will hopefully be going to the feed store soon) I don't know about your feed store but mine here will buy back my roosters from me if they don't already have too many. If they sold it to you as a pullet then you might see what they will do for you. It is worth a shot.

It's a shame you can't keep little Hortence because he is going to be a handsome roo to go with your two pullets but here is another thought. You could post an ad on our local Craigslist to sell or give him away and/or place an ad in our local shoppers paper. Either way it costs you nothing and you may be helping a fellow poultry keeper out. I peruse both of these places regularly and there have been times that I have been desperately hoping to find a roo after a midnight raid by a coon or ariel bombardment by a hawk , owl , or eagle. Good luck !

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