Hen or Roo


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 20, 2013
One of our buff orpingtons is developing faster than the others. They are all 5 weeks old, and one has a comb and waddle already. So my question is Hen or Roo? Also, if he is, how are orpington roo's, are they loud crowers, and do they do it often? I really don't want to get rid of him/her, it is the nicest one of the flock. It will fly out of the coop and onto my shoulder and hang out there while I am working in the coop.

And here is how it is compared to the rest of the flock.

At 5 weeks, that is a rooster! Orps can go either way, especially with hatchery stock. Some are calm, quiet, and gentle on the girls. Others are aggressive, loud, and mean to the hens (and sometimes the people). I would distance yourself from him and let his natural personality come through at 5-6 months, then make the call. Be careful with the flying to your shoulder behavior; when he gets older, he will still not be respectful of your boundaries, only as an adult rooster he will see you as an easy rival and may become aggressive.
Thank you I hope he turns out to be nice and quiet. I don't want to anger the neighbors so we can keep him. If not my son (this is one he got to name) will be devastated, he has become so attached!!!

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