Hen or Roo?

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At least going by these photos, I think all of your birds (including the Marans) are pullets.
Welcome to BYC!
We're glad to have you. I think that all of your birds are pullets. You have a nice little flock!

If you have any more questions, feel free to ask!
What a relief to find out they are all pullets!!!

I wasn't sure one of our Silkies is a hen or roo, I named her Sara Lee to drop one of the names once I find out the sex, but looks like she is going to keep "Sara". Of course, it is hard to tell Silkies anyway. Smokey, Marans, started developing her comb so large, I was worried. But when I pet her, she drops her back flat so I thought she could be a hen. She comes to greet me every time I go out there.

First time raising chickens from scratch and had no idea what to expect from roosters, and worried about our relationship with our neighbors, so it's a great relief to know that they are all pullets. We shall welcome their first egg soon. Thank you all so much!

Welcome to the flock. I love your Shih Tzu avatars. Silkies are very difficult to sex before 4-5 mos. of age and sometimes not till they crow or lay eggs. If you could put up photos of the silkies facing forward so the comb is showing - it would be of help.

There are several silkie threads on BYC, the one I like best is "Silkie thread," you could post your photos there to get opinions from silkie breeders.

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