Hen or Rooster????

This chicken is 7 months old. Shes not laying eggs, doesn't crow, not much wattle but notice the tail feathers. Shes larger than the rest too. I bought these chickens from a farmers flea market so they are mixed & may not all be accurately described as layers! Mostly australorps with some reddish brown mix. They are all suppose to be hens but I figured id get a male !
What do you think???
Thank You, I think I was in denial, its definitely a cockerel. Before we got chickens a few years ago, I brought it up to my neighbors since we don't have any chicken town laws (not that they knew) and I do live in town with neighbors close by. Anyway my elderly neighbor said, "no roosters no problem". Really I'm only interested in the eggs. We built the chicken house to hold up to six hens comfortably. Including this rooster I have six. Luckily, I bought these from a local farmer I know and I made him promise if I got a rooster that he would take him back! Chances were that one of them was going to be sexed wrong. Im just a little sad this took seven months. He's so friendly, docile and absolutely beautiful. I will miss this big guy!

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