Hen or Rooster


9 Years
Nov 26, 2012
Southeast Georgia
I have 4 barred rock chickens and i am trying to find out if this one is a rooster. This chicken seems to have bigger comb and wattles than the rest and have a lot more red coloration compared to the others. They are all the same age. I am trying to figure the wyandottes out as well but they are a little skittish than the barred rocks. Thanks
Barred rock.jpg
Are you talking about the wyandotte? Wyandottes redden up fast.
ah sorry might just be the angle, zoomed in and i see they are the same shade, from the photo one of them looked like it had a pinker comb then the wyandotte behind it. Think my eyes are fooling me :p
ah sorry might just be the angle, zoomed in and i see they are the same shade, from the photo one of them looked like it had a pinker comb then the wyandotte behind it. Think my eyes are fooling me :p
the first picture i sent was just for the Barred Rock specifically the one with the redder comb.. i think the others are hens but not sure about that one. That chicken seems to be a lot bigger than the others and has bigger legs

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