Hen pecking at other hens vents while they are laying eggs?

The Chicken People

10 Years
May 4, 2009
Smithville, Mo
My Husband notices one of our hens sitting in the favorite nest box pecking the vents of other birds when they are laying their eggs! Is this a behavior we can change or should we just cull her?
Huh, never heard of that. But then again chickens are surprising creatures.

You could try hanging fabric strips over the nest box openings so it's darkened in there. That may discourage her pecking. I think it's worth a try.
Is she going after the eggs or just pecking the vents to cause damage? In either case, i would strongly consider culling (meaning rehoming or other measures to eliminate her from your flock).

Although, might not be nice to rehome her to another place where she does this to other hens.
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Yes they get Oyster shell! And I have had trouble with an egg eater in that coop! I would never rehome a problem hen for someone else to deal with! The only new home she will be getting is a warm soup pot! Or cold freezer camp! She is one of my oldest flock members so it will be sad to see her go but I have no room for this behavior in my flocks! Thanks Mahonri...honesty is best!
She may be pecking at the egg but I have been getting some really bloody eggs lately and then my husband watched her doing this! Stupid chicken! I dont want to cull but she leaves no choice! That coop needs to be thinned out anyways!

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