Hen quiet, not eating much, watery poop


Oct 12, 2020
I noticed one of my rescue girls looking a bit quiet two days ago, watched her for a bit and decided I was imaging things as she was eating, drinking, and poop looked fine etc.
Today I noticed her sitting quietly with her eyes closed, and she also has a bit of a poopy bum. I watched her for a while and brought her some mash, but she wasn’t interested, and her poop is now watery, bubbly, frequent, and with a slight green tinge.
They are all very friendly and she is reacting to me fairly normally, she took some cracked soaked corn when I hand fed her, and is walking around a fair bit, but she definitely isn’t right.
They have all been dusted and wormed. They are completely free range so have access to lots of grass etc, and I feed them various veg most days. Yesterday they had some potato salad and a dressed green salad that was left from a party- if I hadn’t noticed her looking “off” two days ago I would think perhaps it was that...
She is an isa brown (commercial laying hen) and would be about 2 by now. When they came to me they were devoid of feathers underneath and pretty boney, they had all fluffed up nicely and put on varying amounts of weight, this girl hadn’t put loads on, but she didn’t have the sharp breastbone that she arrived with. She hasn’t lost any weight.

Her crop is pretty empty today and I can’t feel an egg. I don’t know who is laying as we have 8 of these girls, usually get 5 or 6 eggs a days from them and although I try to watch to see who has laid, it gets very confusing! I know isa browns slow down laying at 18months which is why they were destined for slaughter and came to me via a rescue group.
No respiratory symptoms, not fluffed up or hunched, or drooping her head.

Everyone else seems fine, except for my rooster who has an ongoing ?fungal infection in his comb and eye, but he is seperate.
I have oxymav b, triple c, amprolium, and various wormers and lice treatments here, but not sure whether to start her on anything
Forgot to add- I got to the bottom of my feed bin yesterday to discover some mould in the corner, obviously I binned the rest and cleaned it.
Also one of the browns has been laying an enormous egg lately, I mean absolutely huge, it can’t be normal. I’ll add a photo
Normal isa brown egg and Wyandotte egg for comparison. Extra large egg is also covered in creases. No idea if this is relevant...


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Current state of bum.

the last poop that came out was all white- you can see most of it on her feathers there


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