Hen sad and depressed, can't lay something strange? (not prolapse)


8 Years
Jul 20, 2011
Ħal Luqa, Malta
Dear all,

Posting on behalf of a friend - avian vet is not available so your replies would be much appreciated - Thuringian Bearded hen, born May 2014, weighs a little more than a pound (500 grams = half a kilo), has this thing coming out of her back side. She is also acting very depressed, doesn't want to eat anything, only drinks, standing sad, eyes closed and wings down most of the time or lying down but not trying to push/lay this thing. She can't have been in this state longer than 2 days or so. There is liquidish discharge also oozing from the vent and it smells.

I don't think this is a prolapse?

Any ideas what it could be? Thanks a LOT in advance, as in the absence of a vet the owner needs to act fast to try and help as the hennie seems very poorly.

(please click on the photo to enlarge)

It looks more like pictures of lash eggs, or an egg that has been coated. It may be too large for her to pass. I would lubricate her vent, and with a rubber glove try to maneuver the egg out. Give her some calcium orally--a Tums or human calcium tablet, crushed egg shells, plain yogurt, or calcium gluconate if available. Place her in a warm humid environment which can help her to pass it. Take her to a vet if possible, even if avian vet is not available. Google salpingitis,and you will see The ChickenChick's article about salpingitis and pus eggs. These are from internal laying and can result from infection in the oviduct.
Here are some good links to read about lash eggs, and read the last link especially for an egg bound hen who could not pass a huge egg for almost a month:
and see post #35 for a picture of an eggbound hen for over a month: https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/950939/egg-binding/30
Thanks very much, it is good to have for future reference, unfortunately the owner contacted me that the hennie passed away last night - it must have been something serious, she is going to attempt to see what it was, with her permission I will post it to share what was the problem. Thanks a LOT once more for the replies, much appreciated.

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