Hen Saddles

We got the saddles on Tuesday and they are working great so far! Thanks for all the help with the shipping issues.
Want to say I ordered two of these, and the arrived today. They look great, and I had no trouble getting one on the hen I ordered them for. Had an interesting problem, though. My rooster is apparently scared of the saddle. He was making the worst racket, and kept running away from the hen with the saddle on. She always wants to be by him though, so was chasing after him. Big problem; it was very hot today, and neither of them needed the exercise in this heat. I ended up taking the saddle off, and will try again when the weather is cooler.

She looked really good in her saddle while she had it on, though.
Sometimes they flip out just because it's something different. Try putting it on at night when they're roosting. Chances are in the morning, there won't be any racket and they'll go on like she's not wearing anything :)
So cute! We have a hen who's pulling her own feathers. She's in a pen by herself now and I want the saddle to stop her from doing that (pulling the new feathers growing in). Her feathers were worn off originally by the roos though. Normally she free ranges but I would worry about her getting hung up on something if she wore hers while free ranging. Would you suggest that they only be worn in a pen and what about roosting at night, is there a chance that they could get hung up on a roost? Or are they made to break away? Anyway I want to order at least one for her and I will get back to you on color and size.
One last question, you say yours wear their saddles all the time, but that would make it hard for them to dustbathe, wouldn't it?
I mean here we will just try taking it off anyway after awhile, but she's so scared of the roos that I'm half thinking maybe I ought to
leave it on her, even after her feathers grow back.
I'm new to hen saddles, but two of my hens are wearing them now. (and two more need them, I have to order more) I've watched them, they have no trouble dust bathing. Once they get used to them, they simply ignore them. My one girl is completely bare backed, and I've read she won't grow her feathers back until she molts. That's probably a good while away. So having the saddle on is protecting her back, and may be needed this winter for warmth, too. I'll only take it off when it starts looking like it needs to be washed, I think.
No, a hen won't have any trouble dust bathing and getting hung up on anything would be pretty rare. The elastic goes under the wings and is nowhere that it will get caught on anything. Your hen's wings will sit on top of it :)
I don't plan on leaving it on forever, providing I can catch her again once she goes out. But wouldn't it be like having a cast on? Wouldn't it itch underneath? Sorry for all the questions, but I really worry about her, she's a timid little thing. I'm really hoping the saddle will give her confidence around the cockerels.

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