Hen Seizures?? I have no idea


8 Years
Jul 27, 2011
Larryville, KS
Yesterday I found one of my girls sitting in the corner of the coop, rolling her head around backwards. She was sitting on the ground and looked like she was straining. I checked to see if she was bound but felt nothing in her vent and her abdomen felt normal. I checked her poops and they were also normal. Her comb is bright red too. I left her for the night to see if anything changed, and she was still acting that way in the morning. I came home from work and she is now standing and walking, but every once in awhile she'll fall completely backwards, flap her arms around and shake her head.. much like a human having a seizure.

She has had a recent eye injury (something was stuck in it), and I kept her separate in a clean box with food and water while I treated it. She gets vitamins, and I also had to give flock antibiotics recently. I put apple cider vinegar in their water and they also get plenty of oyster shell stuff.

Any ideas?? She seems to be a bit better, but I'm pretty worried that I'm missing something big. The other girls are fine. They've shown absolutely no signs of any health issues.

We've also had some recent rainy weather and hail. Any ideas?
Yikes...creepy. :/

I chased a fox down the other day, who had my Mille Fluer rooster in his mouth. The fox dropped the roo, but he had broken the poor things neck. The roo was doing exactly what you described your hen as doing.....I also had a very old hen jump up on the feed box a few months ago. She slipped, and fell to the ground. Broke her neck just like that. :(

I don't know...maybe she could've fallen off of a roost and hurt her neck?
Well, I'm not sure she broke anything. Right now she's acting pretty normal, like clucking and everything... though she's also trying not to fall asleep, and then suddenly she'll fall backwards, she can't really extend her neck and she flaps her wings like crazy. I've given her some calcium rich foods.. I'm not sure if there is anything else I can do. Her last poop was actually runny, but she just got out of the bath so I'm not sure if that effected it or not. I'm really confused and incredibly worried.

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