hen shaking head, listless, passed out


10 Years
Jan 16, 2010
I have 9 hens and one rooster. One of the hens, a two-year old Buff Orpington is sick or injured, but I don't know which or what is wrong. Symptoms follow.

shakes her head as if to clear the cobwebs
weak, walks slowly, can't get on roost
passed out yesterday, appeared dead, but revived when picked up; no sign of injury
comb seems a darker red color than usual
will still eat and drink
weight loss

Non of the rest of the flock show any symptoms.

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It may take some observation to figure out what is wrong. A vet may be helpful. Bring her inside in a basket or crate for warmth and so you can look at her droppings, and see how much she eats and drinks. Get some poultry electrolytes (SaveAChick, Roster Booster, Durvet) and dip her beak or give her drops with a syringe or dropper. Offer her a bit of scrambled egg. Feel of her crop for impaction or fullness, Feel nside her vent with 1 finger an inch or two for a stuck egg. Look her skin over around the vent, under wings, and on neck for mites or lice. look at her ears in case of infection or swelling. Look for nasal drainage, watery eyes, gasping or wheezing. Check her breast area for weight loss, or lower belly for swelling.
The local vet (only one) doesn't treat chickens, but she was nice enough to listen to my hen's symptoms, and provide some antibiotic. I dosed the hen for the first time yesterday, but at evening, she was too weak to walk. I picked her up and put her in the floor of the coop. This morning, she had moved 8 feet from where I placed her and managed to be sitting on the entrance board to one of the next boxes. I will give her another dose of the med and hope for the best. Thanks for the reply.

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