Hen shaking her crop and acting weird. (Updated with recovery!)

I never recommend to turn them upside down and make them vomit. That can cause aspiration and death if it gets caught in the airway. I have done that to a couple who had a chronic impacted or sour crop without that happening, but many oldtimers here have killed their birds. Do not massage a squishy boggy crop, only one that is firm or doughy.

Since crop problems tend to recur, it may be that her crop is not emptying again. Are you checking it early in the morning before she eats or drinks, to see if it is empty of food? It is usually another problem in the body (reproductive disorders, ascites, or worms) that causes the crop to slow. Since the miconazole cream and suppositories helped, I might start some again. If her crop is slow, giving some chilled coconut oil or stool softener orally may help as well.
Are you checking it early in the morning before she eats or drinks, to see if it is empty of food?
Yes. It started yesterday; the crop was full in the morning. Today it was slightly less full.
reproductive disorders, ascites, or worms) that causes the crop to slow.
I think I will get a fecal float test done.
How long ago was her last treatment with miconazole? How much and how many times a day and how many days did you treat? She may need another round.
I described the full treatment of miconazole during the last few weeks in post #87.

I began another round of miconazole yesterday, since she is shaking her crop again. I think it it still yeast infected and causing a burning sensation.
I just realized I haven't updated.

The acidified copper sulfate killed off her yeast infection and her crop is back to normal.
She needed two doses of ACS (one week of ACS water, then a break for a few days, then another week) to kill all of the yeast.

My beautiful girl is back to her normal self again! She hates me entirely, but I'm just glad she's okay ;)
I hope Blanche is better soon! I'm glad the thread helped you.
Thank you, we lost one on Sunday to what I think was a vitamin B deficiency. Now I’m kicking myself for trying a different feed from a local mill. Everybody raves about it but having issues with two of my girls since using it makes me wonder. I don’t know, I’m just at a loss.
I just realized I haven't updated.

The acidified copper sulfate killed off her yeast infection and her crop is back to normal.
She needed two doses of ACS (one week of ACS water, then a break for a few days, then another week) to kill all of the yeast.

My beautiful girl is back to her normal self again! She hates me entirely, but I'm just glad she's okay ;)
Where did you get the acidified copper sulfate? Do you have a picture of the package of the one you used? I will get it immediately. If it will help my girl.
Oh geeze....
My welsummer had that, all the same symptoms and everything, and we did everything to help her but nothing worked.
We weren't sure if anything else was going on besides that, we just suspected impacted or sour crop.
Try apple cider vinegar in her water, don't let her eat anything. Sorry that I'm not much help.

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