Hen sits down, can't walk. What's wrong with her!?


10 Years
Jul 2, 2013
Michigan (USA)
My barred copper Maran started acting funny about a month ago. She sets down on her hocks, has an awkward too upright stance when standing, and she can barely walk, she walks like she is crippled but I can't find anything wrong with her.

She also breaths very heavy when she walks, and sets back down after just a few feet or so.

It looks like she is in pain. She is not laying eggs anymore but it is molt season now. But I think she hasn't layed in much longer because I haven't seen her eggs in over 3 months.

She is only 2 years old. And feels malnourished, despite having access to all the food and water she needs. Also oyster shell

Perhaps I should just take her to the butcher with the extra roosters this fall? Would she even be safe to eat? She can't spend winter like this... Flock is about 30 chickens.

The cold seems to be bothering her alot. Perhaps this is arthritis?

I'll post a pic. What should I do?

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