Hen sitting on 22 eggs

Bossier Ranch

7 Years
May 4, 2012
I have a leghorn hen. She is almost a year old. She didn't come to eat with the others this morning, so I looked around the yard and couldnt find her. I gotr worried something happened to her, then I found her under a bush sitting on 22 eggs. She did not want to get up. I think she thinks they are going to hatch. Is this possible with no Rooster? Is this what "Broody" is? What should I do?
No rooster = no babies. Yes that's a broody hen. Take them away and pitch them. Then watch her daily til she snaps out of it.
Thankyou, does this mean the eggs are no good to eat also? I did not realize she was laying somewhere else besides her coop. I noticed she wasn't providing any eggs for awile, but 22 seems like alot more than normal, I know it hadnt been that long since I got an egg from her. She is the only hen we have that lays white eggs. Could she have laid more than one in one sitting?
They normally can only lay one a day. Anymore would be rare and an abnormality. I would not eat then not knowing how long they have been out there. Her body temp will spoil the eggs quickly.
ok, thankyou! As soon as I took them all out, she went back to her normal self and started laying in her coop again. Sadly, the eggs are all thrown out, I can't believe we didn't find them there on our Easter egg hunt, lol!

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