Hen - Sudden Death


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jan 26, 2013
Hi Everyone,

I have a flock of 15 hens and 1 rooster. I did have another rooster until he started acting strangely a few days ago, hanging back from the food and acting sluggish. I found him dead in the coop over the weekend. Prior to that, back in the early spring, I had a few hens develop a bit of a cough/sneeze and treated the affected hens with Tylan 50 (orally), which seemed to solve the issue and haven't heard any coughing, sneezing or wheezing since.

This brings me to today, I go out to the coop and find one of the 1yr old Rhode island red hens just dead on the ground with no apparent cause. All the other hens and rooster are acting totally normal. I live in Rochester, NY and it appears that Cornell may be able to do a necropsy. I am going to call them in the morning and have my poor hen in 2 sealed plastic bags in the fridge in our garage (per the chicken chick's website).

I'm really worried for my remaining flock. Any suggestions? Should I treat everyone with the Tylan 50 starting tomorrow? I also have oxine that I could spray on the flock and their coop. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, especially if I can't get Cornell to do the necropsy. Thanks in advance! I love my flock and don't want anything else to happen to them!
So sorry! Don't treat with anything until you have information from the necropsy. Dunk the dead bird in cold water to chill, then wrap in plastic and refrigerate. Also consider sending any sick birds for necropsy also. Cornell does good work, and I hope you have answers soon. Mary

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