Hen twisting head upside down


5 Years
Jan 16, 2016
New Jersey
My hen keeps twisting her neck around so that her head is upside down. At first I thought maybe wry neck so I have been treating with vitamins and keeping her separate for over a week with no improvement. She doesn't stay like this all the time. She can stand and hold her head normally. Eats and drinks normally. Appears to be able to see out of both eyes with no other ailments. Any idea what else could be going on?


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What vitamins are you giving? How old is she?
For wry neck 400iu of vitamin E daily, with a bit of sunflower seeds, canned tuna or cooked egg for selenium (helps them absorb the E) and I would also give 1/4 to 1/2 a B complex tablet or capsule daily. Some wry neck shows improvement quickly, sometimes it can take several weeks. There are other things that could be causes, disease, like Marek's or head injury, vitamins are usually the first thing to try to see if improvement happens.
Nutri drench is good for quick pickups and is rapidly absorbed, but Nutri drench does not contain riboflavin, so that is missing, and it has much less E than 400 iu. Also nutri drench can cause diarrhea if used too long, so I would switch to straight vitamin supplements if possible. If it is a vitamin deficiency then it sometimes requires much higher doses to get it reversed. Once it's reversed, then normal levels can be maintained.

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