Hen with a hurt foot.


Mar 29, 2016
Layton, Utah
Don't know how to treat this, when I let the girls out this morning they were all ready to go out.I saw a decent amount of blood on the roost.The top board was loose and it looks like my Cochin caught her toe in the crack.One of her nails is torn off.The bleeding had stopped and she wasn't even limping.It took a bit to even figure out who was hurt. How do I treat this, my guess is to bring her in the house and clean her foot up really well.But do I cover it or bandage it or???
I think you should bring her inside for a few days, I wouldn't wrap it up but would clean the wound and maybe put some anti septic on it. Make sure where you are keeping her is clean until it has healed. Chicken are pretty resilient so I'm sure the hen will be fine in a few days
Don't know how to treat this, when I let the girls out this morning they were all ready to go out.I saw a decent amount of blood on the roost.The top board was loose and it looks like my Cochin caught her toe in the crack.One of her nails is torn off.The bleeding had stopped and she wasn't even limping.It took a bit to even figure out who was hurt. How do I treat this, my guess is to bring her in the house and clean her foot up really well.But do I cover it or bandage it or???

Nah...I'd wipe it clean if you can without dislodging the clot/scab on the bleeding site and just dab some antibiotic ointment on it and let her go. A lot of folks remove spurs and clip nails too short in their flocks...they just use blood stop, maybe some ATB ointment and let them go their way.
It obviously depends how mad the injury looks but the reason I suggested keeping her inside was that where I live in the uk there has been heavy rain so there is of course mud, you wouldn't want it getting infected but if it is dry where you keep your hens then by all means put her back with the other hens
When I got a little more help to keep her calm, we noticed that the injury wasn't nearly as bad as it looked. We gently cleaned it off, and put her back with the other girls. I try to keep the coop clean and dry.Thanks for the help, I am a nervous Nelly, when it comes to the girls. All is well.

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