Hen With a Reverse Gear


Chicken Wrangler
Sep 8, 2022
South Alabama
While out with the Delaware coop yesterday I had a young lady running backwards slam into my leg that had no idea what she had done at first. She ran forward a few feet and then put it in reverse an ran me over again. Then she walked off like nothing had happened. Has anyone ever seen such behavior? This is about a 7 month old hen that should know the rules of the yard by now.
While out with the Delaware coop yesterday I had a young lady running backwards slam into my leg that had no idea what she had done at first. She ran forward a few feet and then put it in reverse an ran me over again. Then she walked off like nothing had happened. Has anyone ever seen such behavior? This is about a 7 month old hen that should know the rules of the yard by now.
Not normal for them to do that. I'd be concerned it's some kind of neurological issue, But did you grab her and check her eyes? maybe she's having trouble seeing or has something on her face.
Not normal for them to do that. I'd be concerned it's some kind of neurological issue, But did you grab her and check her eyes? maybe she's having trouble seeing or has something on her face.
Thank you. I'll watch closely today for any more signs. I was not prepared for such and it never crossed my mind to grab her which would have been a major fete carrying egg baskets. :)
yes, neurological. give her vitamine B... something that has more than one of the possible vitamine b's (there is more than one kind)
Thank you. I'll watch closely today for any more signs. I was not prepared for such and it never crossed my mind to grab her which would have been a major fete carrying egg baskets. :)
I got some B complex vitamins today that can me disolved in the flocks drinking water. Can't hurt to give it to all of them. Tomorrow they will all get scrambled eggs with the shells made from eggs that are not up to par for market or hatching. They should get some B12 out of tho;se.

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