Hen with Chicks

As I understand it, the medication (if amprolium) acts on cocci but little if at all on the hen. At least that was my impression last time I Googled it.
I don't see a problem with a mother hen and chicks eating medicated feed.
Most feed Co.'s will use one of two types of medications as a active ingredient in there medicated poultry feed one type is Amprolium which goes by the trade names Corid and Amprol and is a thiamine analog, competitively inhibits the active transport of thiamine (B1).
The second type of medication used is Lasalocid and goes by the trade name Bovatec. Bovatec (lasalocid) is a coccidiocide that kills coccidia. It is an ionophore that moves potassium, sodium, calcium and magnesium into the cell causing the cell to burst. Bovatec works primarily on a single developmental stage of coccidia, providing a more narrow range of action than Deccox.
You can feed medicated poultry feed to adult fowl but it is best not to eat the eggs wile the hen is being fed medicated poultry feed and for up to a week after.

I feed the medicated crumbles to mom and babies, but I do have them seperated from everyone else. I figure she's not laying eggs anyway. I've heard its not necessary to give hen raised chicks medicated food because they pick up immunities from the hen????? Not really sure if that's true or not......so I feed the medicated starter.just to be on the safe side. Good luck.
I don't feed med. when I have baby chicks I feed Flock Raiser and oyster on the side. All the birds can eat it, it is higher in protein for the baby's and won't hurt the adults.

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