hen with closed eye


8 Years
Jun 29, 2011
There seems to be something wrong with one of our hens, a Buff Orpington (just started laying eggs) .
We noticed her eye is mostly shut, she opens it very briefly and then shuts it again. It seems a bit red but that is all. We think that maybe she was pecked
in the eye by another hen but are not really sure.
When should we start to worry? It has been 2 days.
Many thanks.
I recommend that you flush her eye with saline solution in case she has debris in it. Then put terramycin eye ointment in it to prevent infection in case it was scratched or pecked.
I recommend that you flush her eye with saline solution in case she has debris in it. Then put terramycin eye ointment in it to prevent infection in case it was scratched or pecked.

Well, that's going to be fun! I was thinking along those lines, but I figured I ask the pros first.


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